Our locations

Forum for Office Culture

3,500 square metres of exhibition space in Dusseldorf

Here in the unique atmosphere lent by its status as a former brewery, we have Germany's largest office furniture exhibition, measuring 3,500 square metres, where we present our own brands and products from selected partners. We regularly receive customers here from Germany and abroad - they can even stay for free in our guest house if they need to.



The future of work in a loft-style office

Inwerk is currently building the office of the future over nearly 14,000 square metres of real estate in Biebertal, near Giessen:  the Inwerk LAB3. Given our constantly rising number of employees, and our increased focus on research and development in the field of working environments, we're assembling an office complex that will measure approximately 2,000 square metres - and it will be the only one of its kind in Germany. The building and the offices it contains are designed to meet every need of the digital working world and create a working environment where every employee feels truly at home.

Other locations

Additional exhibitions and/or consulting centres, featuring a select range of products or opportunities for consulation, are located in Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Munich, Karlsruhe, Hanover, Cologne, Dresden and near Giessen.